Also Charges: APX6000XE, APX7000, APX7000XE, APX8000, APX8000XE. For use with NiMH, Li-Ion, and LiPo batteries. Includes V3 specific charging pod, 100V - 240V AC power supply, and user manual. Compatible with all OEM batteries, including PMNN4547A.
Additional Information
Product Features: Compact footprint (20.0" x 5.8" x 3.6") and weighs only 3.1 lbs. Charges battery with or without radio. Status LED confirms charging in progress, charging 80% complete, and fully charged. Provides cold and hot battery monitoring for batteries with temperature sensing circuitry. Optional accessories available for in-vehicle installation. Certified to meet U.S. Department of Energy (10 CFR, Part 430, PC3/4) and California Energy Commission (CEC-400-2011-005) requirements for energy conservation.
Properly charges batteries with higher end voltage requirements, including PMNN4485, PMNN4486, PMNN4504, and PMNN4494.
Properly charges batteries with higher end voltage requirements, including PMNN4485, PMNN4486, PMNN4504, and PMNN4494.